We offer heat pump solutions.
The heat pump is a device that extracts heat from the environment with a lower temperature and transports it to a place with a higher temperature within the system!
The heat pump extracts thermal energy from the ambient air (air-water), then cools or heats the water in the system to the set temperature with the help of the refrigerant!
Today, it is the most economical and environmentally friendly heating and cooling system, as it produces 3-4 kw of heat from 1 kw of electricity!
Split and Monoblok heat pumps are the most common in Hungary!
In monobloc system heat pumps, the air-water heat exchanger and the heating circulation pump are also located in the outdoor unit.
The monobloc heat pump produces the thermal energy needed for heating in the outdoor unit, and the forward and return heating water pipes of the outdoor unit are connected directly to the building’s heating system and ensure the building’s heating. If we also want to cool, the radiators must be replaced with Fan Coli units!
In the case of the split air-water heat pump, in winter mode, the outdoor unit cools the ambient air (removes heat from it), and the warm gas in the indoor unit heats the water in the buffer tank through a heat exchanger.
How can heat be extracted from cold winter air?
Absolute zero degrees = 0 Kelvin, i.e. -273.15 degrees Celsius according to physics. But anything warmer than that, e.g. in winter, air at -20 degrees C, – (which is 253 degrees C warmer) – has extraordinary thermal energy, which can be extracted from it with a heat pump.
With the Split heat pump, domestic hot water production, heating, and cooling/air conditioning and domestic hot water production in the summer can be solved.